2024 Queensland Agriculture Awards

Nominations are now open!

Nominations are now open for the 2024 Queensland Agriculture Awards, which celebrate the passionate innovators and key influencers in agriculture, fisheries or forestry.

View the criteria in the Document Library and nominate a worthy recipient using the form below.

Nominations close 6:00 pm 4 September2024.

About the awards

The Peter Kenny Medal recognises an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the agriculture, fisheries and/ or forestry sector in terms of leadership and innovation leading to profitability and sustainability.  

As a teacher working in rural Queensland, Peter Kenny was an influential and devoted advocate of agriculture, rural education and regional communities. His passion for the agricultural industry and rural issues focused on ensuring the education of the next generation of primary producers.  

The Peter Kenny Medal seeks to continue his legacy and celebrate those who are contributing toward an even better future in Queensland agriculture, fisheries or forestry. 

The Minister’s Emerging Leader Award recognises an individual who has shown outstanding leadership or the potential to make a significant contribution to their field of interest, the wider industry and the rural community.   

Candidates for both awards could work in agribusiness, education, farm-based production, the supply chain, research or advocacy, or an associated field.  

Both awards include a $3,000 bursary, and the winners will be announced in mid-September 2024.

  • Nominations close

    Award nominations close 6:00pm 4 September 2024.

  • Award nominations open

    Nominate now!

  • Nominations reviewed

    The judging panel will review nominations received.

  • Finalists announced

    Award finalists announced in early September.

  • Award winners announced

    The award winners will be annouced in mid-September 2024.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.