Queensland Biosecurity Grants Program

Project overview

The Queensland Biosecurity Grants Program aims to foster innovation, enhance education, and strengthen preparedness through strategic funding initiatives with stakeholders. By supporting projects and activities across diverse sectors, the program aims to boost Queensland's biosecurity resilience and protect our environment, economy, industries and communities from potential biosecurity threats. The grants program includes two grant categories - innovation and education.

Apply for the grants by completing the application below by 31 July2024 before 5pm.

About the grants

Innovation grants

The innovation grants will encourage and fund innovative projects that pioneer modern technologies, methodologies or approaches to advance biosecurity practices in Queensland. There are three $25,000 grants available in this first round, with three key focus areas:

  • development of cutting-edge technologies for early detection and monitoring of biosecurity threats  
  • research initiatives that contribute to novel strategies for preventing and managing biosecurity risks  
  • collaborative projects promoting innovation across sectors to enhance the efficiency of biosecurity measures or enhance behaviour change.

Education grants

The education grants will promote awareness, education and behaviour change to empower individuals and organisations with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective biosecurity practices. There are six $10,000 grants available in this first round, with the following key focus areas:

  • educational programs targeting communities, and/or industry stakeholders on the importance of biosecurity and use of positive biosecurity practices
  • development of training modules and resources to improve biosecurity literacy and adherence to best practices  
  • initiatives fostering a culture of responsibility and collaboration in biosecurity among diverse stakeholders.    

Applicant eligibility

Community not-for-profit organisations, clubs/associations, schools, councils, universities, statutory bodies/government agencies and incorporated bodies/associations in Queensland are eligible to apply.

Where applicable, projects should:

  • have appropriate expertise within the project team to complete the project
  • represent value for money by incorporating other contributing funding or ‘in-kind’ contribution by the applicant and other project partners
  • be technically sound and utilise best practice
  • align to the Queensland Biosecurity Strategy 2024–2029.

Funding applications must relate to the improvement of biosecurity knowledge and practices in Queensland.

For all grant categories, applicants should ensure that projects are delivered independent of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries or departmental staff as this may constitute a conflict of interest.

How to apply

Applications will only be accepted through the submission portal on this page. To do this:

1. Click on the links provided under 'other information' to download the Queensland Biosecurity Grants Program funding criteria

2. Complete an application by clicking 'submit an application' on the bottom of this page.

3. We recommend registering on this site to save your application while you are completing it, so that you don't lose your responses should you have a technical problem or your browser times out. Once you have submitted your application, you will see an acknowledgement on-screen and recieve an email confirmation. You can access your draft or completed application by clicking on your 'User Dashboard' in the top right-hand corner of the eHub.

Applications that are submitted another way or are not submitted by the deadline will not be considered eligible. Biosecurity Queensland may, at its discretion, extend the application period on a case-by-case basis.

  • Grant submissions open 3 July 2024

    Project open for public applications

  • Applications close 31 July 2024

    Project team will no longer be taking applications

  • Successful applicants contacted TBC

    Successful applicants to be announced and contacted

  • Queensland Biosecurity Grants Program - Innovation

    In order to be successful, applications must be completed and submitted by 5 pm, Wednesday 31 July 2024.

  • Queensland Biosecurity Grants Program - Education

    In order to be successful, applications must be completed and submitted by 5pm, Wednesday 31 July 2024.