Queensland Biosecurity Grants Program - Innovation

  • Q.1

    Organisation name

    Character Limit : 100
  • Q.2

    Applicant name

    Character Limit : 100
  • Q.3

    Applicant position 

    Character Limit : 100
  • Q.4

    Applicant primary address

    Character Limit : 100
  • Q.5

    Applicant primary phone number

    Character Limit : 100
    Must be an Australian phone number
  • Q.6

    Applicant primary email

    Character Limit : 100
  • Q.7

    Applicant ABN

    Character Limit : 50
  • Q.8

    Identify any conflict of interests

    Character Limit : 150
    Example: Are you currently operating under another grant?
  • Q.9

    Project title

    Character Limit : 100
  • Q.10

    Project location

    Character Limit : 100
    What is the primary location for the majority of the project?
  • Q.11

    Project description

    Character Limit : 350
    A short summary of what the project aims to accomplish.
  • Q.12

    Start and end date

    Character Limit : 100
    What is your project's timeline?
  • Q.13

    Explain how your project meets the assessment criteria

    Character Limit : 1000
  • Q.14

    Describe the specific objectives of the project and how it will be measured

    Character Limit : 1000
  • Q.15

    Explain why your proposed project is needed and how it will benefit biosecurity in Queensland

    Character Limit : 1000
    For example: How will it improve biosecurity in Queensland? How will it support traditional or cultural biosecurity activities of First Nations people?
  • Q.16

    Do you have the appropriate insurance in place for this grant?

    (Maximum selection Limit : 1)
    Other (please specify)
  • Q.17

    Supporting information

    Please upload any attachments that provide additional information on your project.
    Choose a file to upload
    (Allowed File Types : PDF, DOC|DOCX, XLS|XLSX, JPG|JPEG)
  • Q.18

    Project budget

    Please include project expenses and any other funding or in-kind contributions
    Choose a file to upload
    (Allowed File Types : PDF, DOC|DOCX, XLS|XLSX, JPG|JPEG)
  • Enter the code as below. *